
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#16 Internet Information

1. From Safe Practices for Life Online: A Guide for Middle and High School (2008)- D. Fodeman & M. Monroe
a. risk tests
b. Chapter 2 Protecting Your Privacy Online  
     i. Pop-ups and Banner Ads- forms of online advertising
     ii. Spyware- is software that displays advertisements, tracks your personal or sensitive information, and make changes to your computer, generally without your consent.
     iii. Zombies and Botnets- is a number of Internet computers that, although their owners are unaware of it, have been set up to forward spam or viruses to other computers on the Internet.
     iv. Cookies-  is information that a Web site puts on your hard disk so that it can remember something about you at a later time
     v. Drive-by Downloads-  is a program that is automatically downloaded to your computer, often without your consent or even your knowledge.
     vi. Cramming- is the addition of unexpected or unauthorized charges to a bill for landline or mobile telephone service.
     vii. Trojan Horse-  is a piece of software that looks like it is doing what the user thought, but in reality it is malware designed to infect the user's PC.

2. From Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2011)-R. Malloy, R. E. Verock-O'Loughlin, S. A. Edwards, & B. P. Woolf
a. Take Pew Internet & American Life Project "What Kind of Tech User Are You?" quiz
My results after taking the test: You scored better than 81.8% of the public, below 9.9% and the same as 8.3%.
b. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) aka Web Address - What is the purpose of the following URL designations?
     i. .com- Part of the Internet address of many companies and organizations. It indicates that the site             is commercial
     ii. .org- Part of the Internet address of many organizations usually charitable organizations
     iii. .gov- Part of the Internet address of many government agencies
     iv. .net- Indicates this is a technology site
     v. .edu- Part of the Internet address of many academics. Indicate this site is educational
     vi. .mil- Part of the Internet address of many military organizations

e. Questions
     i. What is the meaning of information literacy for teachers and students?  It is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information.
     ii. What are search engines and how do they work? A method used for searching for information. It  searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found.
     iii. What pieces of information do students need to know about Internet searching? That everything on the internet is not accurate, valid, and useful.
     iv. How can teachers and students thoughtfully evaluate online information resources, including the online encyclopedia Wikipedia? Question everything you read by comparing and contrasting with other work and information for accuracy and validity. Also you can look at the address and check the domain used.
     v. How can teachers respond to problems of plagiarism when students use online sources? Telling the students to put the information in their own words and cite where the bit of information comes from.


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