
Monday, December 8, 2014

#17 Group Project

1. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are three online social networking sites used to form connecting.

2. An article from Panama City’s News Herald addressed a student who was arrested for posting that he was going to bring a gun and shoot down his school. Immediately he was reported and police searched his house for weapons, but he claimed he never intended to follow through with it, rather he was just mad.
The website, Today Money published an article about a student who tweeted that he was going to place a bomb in a locker at school. Even though he claimed it was a joke, he was arrested and charged with a felony.

News shared an article about a few students throughout the Fort Lauderdale area making threat on social networking. Specifically, it mentions a 15 year posting a threat on Instagram. The police department stated that they were not taking these threats lightly, and will result in deep consequences.

3. Define in your own words:
·         Sexting: when someone sends a sexual picture or message.
·         Cramming: When phone charges are added to your phone bill.
·         Cookies: Small text files that are located in browser directories.
·         Trojan Horse: A program that is designed to break into a computer system.
·         Phishing: Defrauding an online account holder through financial information by posing as a legitimate company.
·         Spyware: Software that allows you to get information transmitted from another computer.
·         Rootkit: A set of software tools that allow an unauthorized user to get into a computer.
·         Zombie: A computer that has been hacked.
4. Trashmouth, Ihaveonepairpants, boogerdude, and pig are not good screen name choices because they show that you are slob and do not like to take care of yourself. I do not know why having an actual student screen name would be a bad choice for a screen name.

 5. It is important to be cautious on what screen name one chooses. I have listed reasons as to why the following screen names might be made fun of. 

InYoFace- This screen name insinuates that this person is obnoxious and/or loud.
Badboy2U- This screen name is an open door for jokes. It might come across as overly-confident but is probably just a front or cover up for insecurities.
Lookin4Luv- This person might get made fun of for being desperate.
IMAHottie- This person might think that they are attractive, but others might be quick to say otherwise. A bully would try to tear down their confidence.
FatMama- This person could be made fun of for being overweight.
suPaFlirt- This person would probably get called derogatory names for being too flirty.

6. It is important to not give out personal information in screen names. I have listed reasons as to why the following screen names are too revealing.

Tom_Evans34- This screen name gives a first and last name, as well as a possible sports number. It would be easy to identify who this user is.
Missy-13- This screen name gives what might be a first name and age. This is still too much information given. The wrong person could identify you with this little bit of information.
AndyKarateKid- This name tells us that this is someone named Andy who does Karate. This is still too much exposed information.
ViolinGurl- This name suggests that this is a girl that plays the violin.
restlinmatch- This name insinuates that the user is a wrestler.

7. I will discuss the safety of each screen name listed below.

i8sushi2- I think that this name is a little strange. I guess this would be a safe screen name.
Soccerstar- I think that this name would be safe to have.
Puppygirl1234- Again, this is a weird name, but I think it is safe since it does not give out any information.
KeKe1995- This is not a safe name because it gives a first name and birth year.
Bookworm- This is a safe screen name.
2BorNot2b- I honestly don't know what this says, so I guess it is safe.
Choco-holic- This screen name might get made fun of for admitting to liking chocolate but I think it is safe because it does not give out personal information.
CapitalOfens- Is this a criminal's screen name? This one might not be safe.
AmericanIdol2- I think this one is safe and would be free of bullying.
BellaIsabella- Not safe. This is someone's name.
DarkAngel666- Not safe. Plus this screen name weirds me out.
Karla-Love-1996- Not safe. This has someones name and birth year. Too much information.
SimpyMe- Safe. But this might be bullied since there is a typo. Maybe its supposed to be SimplyMe?
gUn4hiRe- NOT SAFE. This sounds like a hit man's screen name.
babyfaceLA- Is this the R&B singer's screen name?
Watup?- Safe name but it's lame. This gives no personal information.
9. Lisa
It is highly likely that a password can be cracked.
Poor passwords are the first to be cracked by hackers. A password should not include the name of a family member, pet, date of birth or a random word that can be found in the dictionary because hackers will use this information first when trying to hack your password. Passwords should be strong and at least eight characters long. A strong password is a password that contain both numbers and letters, non-number, non-letter characters, such as “!”, a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, or a random set of numbers. A date of a well-known event such as 9-11 is a weak password and easy to guess. 123 or your name spelled backwards is easy to figure out. Do not hide passwords near your computer, it can be easily found and used by an unwanted guest. Hackers will try your telephone number, zip code, or area code when trying to get into your account. And never ever share your password with a friend.   

As for me, my password is at least eight characters long, contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, punctuation marks and does not repeat. My password is not and have never been information about me, my family members or the family pet. I am not worried about dictionary attacks. I never shared a password with a family member or friend and I do not have my password posted anywhere near the computer I use.
Passwords can be cracked easily if they are not well thought through. 
I thought that my password would be safe, since it is completely random (so I thought) but according to question #9, it does not appear to be as safe as I thought. I received a score of 1. I have shared it with a friend, but it is not written down anywhere near my computer. I do think that I would lose major points (probably be in the negative) if it deducted points for using the same password for multiple sites. 

     yes  -3

    yes +3
     yes +2
   yes +2
     yes +3
   yes -2

.    no


   yes +2

      yes -3

I believe that is very likely a password can be cracked. Taking the correct security measures is very important to keep a password safe. After taking this survey, I feel like I might need to modify my password to make it stronger. 
a- no
b- no
c- no
d- +2
e- +2
f- +2
g- no
h- +3
j- -2
k- no
l- no
n- no
p- -3  
10. The most and least common reason that students’ online accounts are broken into each year are listed below:
The most-common reason that students’ online accounts are broken into each year is that students give their password to their friends, who then decide to use it or give it to others who use it.
The least common reason that students’ online accounts are broken into each year is a password-cracking program.
11. My thoughts and feelings about the subject and video, “malware analysis: drive-by download." I had an “OMG” moment watching this video. I am so excited that I came across such an enlightening message. This video informs the public of websites that secretly install malicious computer software onto your computer once you open their page. That’s right, it download viruses on your computer without your permission or without you even seeing it or knowing, all while visiting the page. This malicious program also uses your computer to send malware to other computers.

I am so outraged that attackers are deliberately installing viruses onto other’s technological devices. I feel it is evil, deceptive, and unethical to infect and kill someone’s device. Also, it’s alarming to know that you no longer have to click to accept a download or install a software update in order to become infected. Furthermore, it’s a disgrace you cannot trust all websites or certain ads that is displayed on legitimate sites. Therefore, I highly advise everyone who use technology to watch and support this video.
12. I visited and took three of the eight tests to find out if I am a potential victim of fraud. The results are listed below:
Are You Protecting your Identity? I scored in the low to medium level so I know I need to make some improvement in protecting my identity to lower the score but I am doing okay at the moment according to the test.
Authentic or Counterfeit? My risk level on this test was below low to none. I guess it’s because I have a problem with trust. My motto is trust no one and look out for thine self when it comes to money.
Are You an Unwitting Accomplice in Crime? My risk level was low on this test. Again in life, I use caution and I’m leery about money in general when I think it involves a crimeAlso, I don’t visit chat rooms or chat online. What moved me into the low level is that I answered yes to looking for a work at home job.

  13.  Could not get to the website, I will look at it in class tomorrow.
 Elizabeth Calamari- #1,2,8
Taylor Nace- #3,4,13
Lisa Marshall- #10,11,12
Lauren Byrd- #5,6,7

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