
Monday, November 10, 2014

#13 Summary and Opinion of "Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today"

This article gives a logical explanation as to why kids can’t sit still in school today as compared to yesterday. Today, many kids during home hours are indoors sitting more than they are outdoors playing. And schools have shortened the length of time of recess due to increasing educational demands. The author of the article explains, kids are not burning off enough energy in order to sit still in class for the length of time schools are demanding. Kids are fidgeting during class lectures because their body needs to move more. Because of the fidgeting or disruptions in class more schools want to test and diagnosed kids with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The real issue at hand is that some children are being falsely diagnosed. This article feels to alleviate this problem children should be encouraged to play outdoors and schools should extend recess time.

I agree with the author of this article that this could be a reason as to why kids are fidgeting or disruptive in class. I am aware that yesterday technology was not as popular as it is today. But since the increase in technology so many children are indoors. Yesterday, more kids were outdoors playing after school hours and from sun up to sun down in the summer. Dealing with this issue is what frightens me as a future educator. So I have decided to provide positive reinforcement and redirection. Explain to the student that this behavior bothers other students and if the student needs a movement break he or she can have it. This will be where students can stand up or walk around a minute. Also I will incorporate some physical activity like handing out papers.

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