
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#15 Webtools

Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Test
  1. What is the part of the computer that you type information?
  2. A network that covers a large area
  3. Another name for information
  4. What are the homerow keys?
  5. A screen used to view typed information on a computer?
  6. The computers in lab are an example of
  7. All the following are ouput devices except
  8. What is the name of the smallest unit of information a computer can understand?
  9. All the following are input devices except
10. A handheld device that lets you point to and select items on the monitor screen

Created using Testmaker fromThe Big Bus -

The link to the online rubric I created in RubiStar:

Below is the link to my interactive, online lesson referred to as a Track. The Track includes activities from five educational-related sites.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

#14 Guide to Creating Tech-Friendly Classroom Management Strategies Summary and Opinion

This article is about showing pre-internet era teachers and post- internet era teachers how to effectively integrate technology in the classroom. This article noted that today’s kids are using technological devices everyday mostly for fun. And will like to show kids as well as educators that these technological devices can also be used for learning purposes. The author of this article list a number of strategies educators can take to implement these technological devices as learning tools in and outside the classroom. Strategy number one is planning, you just can’t put a student in front of a computer and say go. You must know the technological device and constraints yourself as an educator. Moreover, make sure the student has everything needed to complete an online assignment, also give the student an objective or goal prior to the start of each lesson. This article also suggest there should be a balance between “tech time” and other modes of learning. Do not be guilty of computer overload because at this level it will distract from the learning process. The author feels learning is more effective when it is hands on and teachers should provide a time for unstructured computer exploration.

My plan as a future educator is to teach a computer-based class. I feel I will have students from one to one and a half hours at a time each day. At this present moment I am learning about all the technological tools and gadgets that can be implemented into the classroom. Because of the class I will be teaching I feel I will have the time to implement the above suggestions.

Monday, November 10, 2014

#13 Summary and Opinion of "Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today"

This article gives a logical explanation as to why kids can’t sit still in school today as compared to yesterday. Today, many kids during home hours are indoors sitting more than they are outdoors playing. And schools have shortened the length of time of recess due to increasing educational demands. The author of the article explains, kids are not burning off enough energy in order to sit still in class for the length of time schools are demanding. Kids are fidgeting during class lectures because their body needs to move more. Because of the fidgeting or disruptions in class more schools want to test and diagnosed kids with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The real issue at hand is that some children are being falsely diagnosed. This article feels to alleviate this problem children should be encouraged to play outdoors and schools should extend recess time.

I agree with the author of this article that this could be a reason as to why kids are fidgeting or disruptive in class. I am aware that yesterday technology was not as popular as it is today. But since the increase in technology so many children are indoors. Yesterday, more kids were outdoors playing after school hours and from sun up to sun down in the summer. Dealing with this issue is what frightens me as a future educator. So I have decided to provide positive reinforcement and redirection. Explain to the student that this behavior bothers other students and if the student needs a movement break he or she can have it. This will be where students can stand up or walk around a minute. Also I will incorporate some physical activity like handing out papers.

#12 6 most watched videos on 21st education

Classrooms Of Tomorrow
So many students have their own personal cellular phones and so many bring them to school. This video is showing how educators are incorporating students’ cellular phones as well as other technological devices such as IPads in the classroom to improve the learning process. This video proves technology is more visually appealing, engaging and interactive than textbooks. It also shows that technology eliminates the need for textbooks.

The Voice of The Active Learner
This video discusses the upcoming changes in education as related to technology. It explains how children are growing up and using technology today. The internet for instance, is an information center with tons of information. The video states with technology you will become a lifelong learner. I do agree it is more interesting learning about new information through technology but one will have to decipher between what is fact and fiction. This video assumes that with technology one learns right away and all the time. And because of this the traditional brick and mortar buildings of schools will become obsolete by the year 2019. I am not so sure about the school buildings but evidence clearly shows how technology has eliminated the need for libraries.

The Future Starts Now
This video discusses education and technology in Norway. It provides a solution to retention of students in education. ICT which stands for Information and communication technology is the key according to this article. It states that today’s students are growing up with gadgets such as IPads, laptops, and smart mobile phones. So why not incorporate these gadgets in education. This video states ICT in education improve learning and motivate students. For example, a math class which uses computers to visualize and simulate formulas to students will make advance math concepts easier to understand. I as a student totally agree with incorporating ICT in education. I also feel the use of technology in education will make the lessons more enjoyable, grasp a student’s interest, and retain a student’s attention. I for one feel as if I learn better and hold information longer if I interact with it and see it visually.

Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning
This video is narrated by an architect with the option of redesigning the traditional school building. He states the characteristics of learning is security and a stimulus rich environment. His design is an open floor plan with wall to wall windows. In my opinion, the more windows available will create a distraction in class. I feel students will pay more attention to what is going on outdoors. Also, with an open floor plan and numerous windows throughout, I feel will make the school somewhat of a safety hazard.

Tools and Resources for The 21st Century Education
This video portrays the available educational tools and resources needed for 21st century educators and learners. Video resources such as YouTube and Ted Talk can enhance a student’s learning ability. Presentation tools such as Prezi and SlideShare is beneficial to both student and educator today. I must attest that interactive resources such as Poll Everywhere is a great tool to incorporate in class just to see where everyone stands on an issue and what makes this tool so wonderful is your statements are anonymous. This video was very colorful and is my favorite thus far and I feel the author of this video was very accurate.

A Vision of 21st Century Teaching
From the beginning I disliked this video because the narrator was so hard to understand and the video was too busy. But when the characters in the video started using cue cards to deliver the message I got a better understanding of what was going on. We live in a world of technology and it is an amazing tool to incorporate in class to increase learning. Personally, technology can be motivating, engaging, interest driven, and informative and this is why some educators such as the ones in the video incorporate it into their lesson plan.

#11 Movie Maker